Friday, July 11, 2008

Who remembers...?

... when Zane was just over a year old?  And that he was soooo freakin' adorable?  I mean, granted, he's still adorable, and I LOVE all of the new things he's learning now and everything, but I can remember when he was just a little over a year old and starting to do so many cute things!  This has all been brought on by me ordering new pictures for his scrapbook.  I am finally to 2006 in his book!  (Yes, I know, I'm a little - ok a lot - behind, but having two kids doesn't allow for a lot of scrapbooking time!)  So yeah, I was looking through my picture files from 2006, and tons of memories came flooding back to me as I browsed through them.  

So I have decided to share a few!  Maybe take you down a trip to memory lane as well!  PS- don't pay any attention to the dates at the bottom of some of the pics... I always would forget to set the date when I would change out the batteries.  You would think it would do it automatically or something.  Maybe I just need a new, more modern camera.  lol

Okay, so I SO remember when you would ask Zane to show you his tummy, and he would pull his shirt WAY up high...

Oh, and when he would always carry around his little guitar and act like he was a little rockstar!  I would try to teach him to yell, "Thank you, and good night!" while putting his hands in the air.  He got the hands in the air part down... haha!

Oh, and of course, when he was about 15 months old and had some sort of gastroenteritis, or rotavirus, or something like that, and had to stay in the hospital for 3 days on IV fluids.  Gosh, that was so hard to see my baby so sick.  But the thing about Zane is that his spirits remained high, and he was just such a little trooper!  He played peek-a-boo from behind the IV pole...

And he would also play pat-a-cake with that board stuck to his hand!  Here's "roll 'em up, roll 'em up..."

Hee hee... I just like this picture:

Well, I have a TON more pictures, but I would be here all day if I posted all of them!  Maybe someday, I'll get all of my pictures scrapbooked, and I can share the books with all of my friends and family.  Now... to get Gage's book started....  haha!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gage's One-Year-Old Portraits

On Sunday, we went ahead and had Gage's portraits made for his one-year milestone.  We discovered very quickly that he is not nearly as camera-happy as his brother!  Zane has always smiled without effort, and has always been a ham in front of the camera.  Gage, on the other hand, looked at the guy taking the pictures like he was a wacko!  You could seriously see Gage checking this guy out.  But we like the portraits, and they really did capture Gage's personality.  I mean, that's just how he is.  He has always been this serious thinker, and in that way, I'm glad the portraits turned out like they did.  We only ordered three poses, but all of the shots came on disc, so I have put a bunch of them on here.  Oh, and as you can tell, Zane really wanted to be in some pictures, so the photographer went ahead and took some of Zane, too.  And they turned out very cute!  Again, Zane loves the camera, so he is always smiling for it.  In the couple of shots that Gage actually IS smiling, he's looking at me play "Peek-A-Boo" with him.  LOL


4th of July

What a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  We went out to Mineral Wells to spend time and have dinner with our family out there and to watch the fireworks show.  We were pleasantly surprised to find out that Aunt Kim, Uncle Gene, and Michael, Lauren, and Austin would be at Meme's house to visit as well!  We had a great dinner with good food and good company, and the kids played some ball before we went to watch the fireworks.  

Mom was the only one who went with us to the show, but I know that she really enjoyed not only the show, but watching Zane and Gage's reactions.  

We weren't too sure what Gage would think of the the loud fireworks once we got there(plus it was way past his bedtime, and he was getting a little on the grumpy side), but he and Zane played a little before they started...

... and once they started, both boys were in awe!  Gage stopped being grumpy, and just stared up to the sky.  He didn't even get scared of the loud sounds, which was great!

So all in all, it was a very enjoyable 4th of July, and we were very happy to get to see everyone again!