Wednesday, October 8, 2008

SABFF- a dedication, if you will...

Okay, so my very first real best friend that I had when I was living in Superior in my younger years recently wrote a blog that was dedicated to some of the many memories we had while going through our pre-teen/young teen years.  (In fact, if you want an insight to some of these memories of ours, I've linked that blog here: - hope you don't mind, Sara!)  

So, Sara and I were complete self-proclaimed dorks!  We could be ourselves around each other, and no matter what we were doing, we were having fun.  And I know that she was always there for me- especially when my parents split up... which can be tough on a young teen.  In the past couple of years, we got back in touch, and have been e-mailing pretty frequently, just kinda keeping up with each other in our new lives.  

With her recent blog post, it has caused me to have this determination to find some of the old pictures we took together.  And guess what??  Yep, I found them!  So, for Sara, and for anyone else interested in my younger years, circa 1996, I have scanned them and will now post them!  Love ya, Sara!

Here, we see the infamous hubcap.  Yes, the "fruit of our journey across town!"  I hung it proudly on my wall for the longest time!

hmmm.... strangely resembles the hubcaps on my last car....

Anyway, here we are on our last day of junior high at Central- and there is some girl with us with what looks like electrical tape on her forehead spelling out the word "hi."  Don't know why... don't really remember her... but yeah.  That's us!

These next few pics are from our very first high school dance our freshman year at SSHS.  I had a ton more of these, but I think these are the most important.  (Do you remember Sharon and Heidi?  Yeah, they were in a bunch of them.)  Along with Lindsay, Tony, Heather, Jamie (how I'm remembering these names, I do not know)... but last names escape me for the most part.  At least we were cute!  Look at us!

(We were holding up our Best Friends necklaces in this one!)

So you think those pics brought a smile to your face?  Check these out!!  These were from Halloween of that same year... 1996 I guess it would be (oh- yep -date stamp on the pics).  Wow... twelve years ago... almost exactly.  How cool is that??

And oh yes, there's my brother as Death.  (Tony, if you're reading this, do you remember that Halloween??  As Sara said, it was freakin' freezing!!)

OMG... told you we were complete dorks!!  I think this pose was my mom's idea, though.  Haha!  I guess I was stirring up a witch's brew that would hurt the cheerleader!   

So, to Sara, I hope you enjoyed the pics.  I really enjoyed your blog.  BTW... you may want to check the connection on your music player for Everclear's Santa Monica.  It seems to not be working, and it skips to I Kissed a Girl as the song that reminds you of me.  We don't want people to get the wrong idea, do we?  Haha!  Glad we got back in touch, girl!  Talk to you soon!

(Oh, and to anyone who was wondering, SABFF = Sara & Allena: Best Friends Forever... awww!)


Sara Strand said...

HILARIOUS!!!!!!! God, how young do we look? I forgot we both wore our vintage velvet shirts to that dance! Too funny! Yes, I remember those other girls. Sharon turned out to be the town slut (still is), and Heidi works at a bank. Who knows what happened to the other girls!

I have no idea what is going on with my music. It was working yesterday, but Playlist is streaming it, so if they are funky, my list is funky. Ironic I kissed a Girl is next, though- and for the record people, we didn't kiss each other! :) LOL!!!!

Thanks for the post- it totally cheered me up! I love these pictures, I totally remember our BFF necklaces, too!

I can't tell you how many times in High School I wished you were still around to help me through things, and I know even to this day, that if I have a problem- you're so level headed and very much like me so you are always able to give me a fresh perspective, and I totally appreciate that. You are and always have been a great person and an even better friend. Love ya pal! :) Sara

Anonymous said...

i remember those years when you were growing up as a young teen. i remember asking it time to buy a baseball bat do you remember me taking you to her house on my way to the golf course. superior days with you kids was the best....thanks for the